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From the age of 7 itself, artist Sanjay Dixit srarted showing his intresta towards the creative works and activities like

  • Participating in events like dance programs in temples,
  • Organising dance and singing competation and himself participating on holi festival,
  • Organising adventurous sports event-parasailing inhis home town,
  • Performing stage shows which included danderous stunts like walking on the fire stones, keeping the burning firestone in his mouth, bathing with the hot lava of burning candles, putting kajal in his eyes with sharp shaving blade and then removing it with the sharp knife., rotating tyre rim of cycle on his head for 4-5 hours and sometimes putting fire on it, jumping into the fire and dancing in it, breaking fused tube lights on every part of his body and then smashing them by his back, dancing on the broken glasses of 5000 fused tubelights, eating the broken glassesof tubelights. On his way of eating the glasses in his stunts, artist decided to make his future carrer in this mirror and today his work is praised not only in country but also ouside the country his work is liked and is praised. Sanjay Dixit engraves the Mughal art paintings on the looking mirror in a unique style without using any machine or colour. He is doing this work from last 25 years and this type of work is only done by him till now in the whole world. Now Sanjay Dixit is seeking to work on the largest looking mirror of the world.


Artist Sanjay Dixit in all his paintings have used 8mm mirror. Mainly artist in his paintings has shown the Mughal’s culture and Rajasthan’s culture in the form of miniature art in which figures are engraved by fine lines to bring out detailing in them. Mainly artist’s subject of paintings are Lord Krishna’s Ball Lila, Mughal period’s harem, love and lust.

The most important thing about artist’s paintings is that , once it is completed on 8mm mirror then in sunlight the painting will sparkle like a diamond, in shade it appears like silver, in dark when light of any color is projected on the painting then the painting will appear in that color itself. Another important fact about artist Sanjay Dixit’s paintings is that in dark if we project LED light on it then it will reflect it’s drawing on the opposite wall and the reflected image of painting can be done 10 to 20 times larger in size in respect to it’s original size and that reflection can be moved from one place to another place i.e. we can see it’s projection on walls, ceilings, floors. All these wonderful features brings magical effects in paintings.


The wood used in making the frames of these is of the tree Delbergia Sisso or commonly known as the evergreen Rosewood tree in India. The wood used for frame work is about 100 to 150 years old. The old logs of woods used for framing are brought from the heritage Hawelis or villas and from the old palaces of Rajasthan where they were used to give a strong base support to the roof or were used as the pillars in the rooms. The best thing about the frame is that it’s wood do not expand or contract which assures us the long life and safety of the painting. These logs were used in old Havelis, forts, palaces, because insects couldnot harm them and they even do not bend with time. The width of these logs were 1x1 feet, 1x2 feet and lengths were from 10 feet to 25 feet. In all the frames artist have used these logs only which assures great quality of frames. Then those logs are beautifully crafted and turned into the frames on which antique type of engraving is done. After the engraving work in frame, the frame is polished with deco-paint. Once deco-paint polish is done then frames become waterproof. The area where engraving work is not done there sulmika is pressed. The length of these frames are from 3 inches to 9 inches and width is from 3 inches to 7 inches. Artist’s complete painting with frame weights from 50kgs to 20,000kgs.Once the frame is totally completed and mirror is fixed in it, then the magic begins. If we project any of the light from the seven colours of rainbow, then the frame will also appear in that colour itself and gives us the magical experience. One more important thing about the frame is that we cannot see any kind of joint in the frame and in between the engraving work done on the frame. These two properties of the frame makes painting and frame both quite unique as well as intresting. The frame and the paintings gives us the feeling of art which was during the time of Mughals and Rajput kings. Artist himself guarantees the 100 years of life of the frames and his paintings. The paintings with such a wonderfully crafted designs of Mughal period styles are for 5-star hotels, 7-star hotels, villas, bunglows which add additional beauty and royalty to them.